Can’t wait to connect with you in our many WhatsApp conversations!

  1. Please be sure to keep our Community Guidelines in mind when interacting in these chats. Our goal is to provide endless connection and support (without the judgement) and to keep all moms feeling safe and welcome - thank you for helping us honor the journey of moms everywhere. *

  2. Before you start connecting, make sure your WhatsApp user account includes a visible photo and your full name (optional: add your child’s name aka Jenny Tucker - Bowen’s Mom)

  3. The chat titled “Moms Supporting Moms: Business and Event Promotion” is specifically created for moms with something to promote. If you want to promote a business, event, product, or creative endeavor in a space other than this chat (in a different chat, for example) or want support from Centerline in event promotion, let us know by filling out this form and we’ll support you (and the community) the best way we can.  

    *If you witness members of this community being disrespectful or violating our Community Guidelines, OR see a message that needs direct attention for safety reasons, please message the assigned moderator (listed below).


By clicking this link and downloading or logging into WhatsApp, you’ll have full access to all 45+ of our virtual chat spaces.