About the Centerline Community

Centerline was created out of the real, raw, and urgent need for more support for new moms. Because the current way of things just isn’t working.

Becoming a new mom is joyful and magical, but also can be messy, disorienting, and extremely overwhelming.

And it doesn’t help that we live in a society that provides next to nothing when it comes to supporting early motherhood.

Most of us give birth, take our brand new baby home, and are made to feel like after a few weeks we’re supposed to pretend like it never even happened.

We’re expected to fit into our old jeans like we didn’t just give birth to another living being, and maintain our careers, households, and social lives with a babe on our hip without complaining.

But something DID happen. And it’s time we have the space and community support to talk about it.

The Centerline Community exists to provide the support, connection, and acknowledgement for new moms that society doesn’t. Because moms deserve more, period.

Learn more by reading about our Mission and Values.

About Jenny

Hi! I’m Jenny Tucker.

I became a mom in September 2020 and again in November 2022, but, even before I gave birth to either of my babies, this community was born out of the undeniable need for more support for moms and the transition to motherhood.

Through my own experience becoming pregnant, giving birth, and navigating postpartum for the first time, I felt lots of joy and excitement, but I also felt isolated, confused, disoriented, and unsure of myself. There were many moments when I felt like I wasn’t cut out for motherhood, that I was doing it all wrong, or that there must be something wrong with me based on the way I felt about my experience.

But, in my work with new moms and in this sacred space, I have come to learn that the transition to motherhood is messy and shocking not because there’s anything wrong with us as women or moms - it’s because the world we live in doesn’t properly honor or educate people on what we experience becoming parents, being reborn as mothers, or experiencing the most powerful awakening of our lifetime (while somehow also getting close to zero sleep).

So, at Centerline, we are here to change that. We are here to gather together, speak honestly about motherhood, tell our stories, and leave the shame behind. Because what we experience in this transition is powerful, life-changing, and sometimes gut wrenching, and the world needs to know about it. And by sharing our stories and gathering together to speak openly about our experiences, I truly believe we will change the world.

Thank you for being here. And know that you’re doing an amazing job!

🤍 Jenny Tucker, The Centerline Community